Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Three Little Birds

Editors Note: If you are a current or future employer of mine, my thoughts here don't reflect my work ethic. They just reflect my thoughts...no need to read anything into it. 

Work doesn't matter.

Ok, of course it matters. Of course I need it. Of course I need to succeed at it. Of course I need to have the personal integrity to approach each day with importance and professionalism. Of course. I get that.

But, in the long run...the ultimate long run, it doesn't matter. Why bring it home? Why worry about things that are outside of your control? Why?

The Bob Marley song, "Three Little Birds" is a fantastic tune. It's such a simple message.

The lyrics are as follows:

Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right. 
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!" 

Rise up this mornin', 
Smiled with the risin' sun, 
Three little birds 
Pitch by my doorstep 
Singin' sweet songs 
Of melodies pure and true, 
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:") 

Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." 
Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

The birds had a message against worrying. I love that. I don't think birds worry. I think this little family of three birds eat, sleep, breathe, live, and even die, for each other. Their world is them. Their life is them. They exist to exist with each other. 

I don't think papa bird comes home stressing about all the drama he encountered at the bird factory. I don't think papa bird cares that Joe Bird said that Frank Bird said that Ellen Bird thinks this or that. 

Rather, I think papa bird comes home and is thrilled beyond measure that mama bird and baby bird are ok. He's thrilled that they all made it through another day and that they can now spend time together. 

Papa bird knows there is no point in worrying, cause' everything is gonna be alright. 

Yesterday, Annie was feeling pretty sick (nauseous and dizzy) and she called me on her way home in the morning...she had left work to go rest up. I was so worried about her. I was so concerned with her well-being and the well-being of our little baby. I didn't care what was happening at work. I didn't care about that trivial stuff. I wanted to be home. Suddenly, Joe, Frank, and Ellen Bird were more nuisances than anything (not that I view co-workers as nuisances or anything) but I didn't care. 

Editors Note: Everything is fine with Annie, by the way. From what I could gather, her blood pressure dipped a bit and she got a bit dizzy and nauseous. She rested, drank lots of water, and feels great today. Baby is moving like crazy too!!!

I am vowing to be the dad who leaves work at work. I am vowing to be the dad who shields his family from the craziness of the workplace. 

It's so easy to be caught up with drama at work and it's so easy for that drama to have a lingering effect on other aspects of our life. But why? Who cares? Everything's gonna be alright. 

Again, I will always work hard and will always do my best at work. But I won't let it linger with me. Part of that is staying away from the drama at work as well--another thing I am vowing to be better at. 

While I consider some of the people I work with to be great friends, and I know that my family and Annie's family will always be there, I also realize, that at the end of the day, it's just us "three little birds." 

I don't want to be the depressed, annoying bird who can't escape the drama. 

Thanks Bob Marley...great message!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that Kyle! You know what is important and you are going to be a wonderful Dad! I love you three and I'm glad Annie is feeling ok.
