Monday, January 2, 2012

Tell Me My Future, Great Zuke

Every now and then I find myself sitting and thinking, randomly. I'll go and get the mail, and I'll stand there and think. I'll sit down at the computer and not do a thing but think. I'll drive with the radio off and just think. 

Lately, more often than not, I am thinking about the type of Dad that I want to be and the type of Dad that I will be. 

Editors note: Annie just told me she thinks she can feel the baby moving right now...I would love to have that type of confirmation. What an awesome thing. She's been noticing it more and more the last week or so, and I'm extremely jealous. 

During my times of thinking, I always long to see the future. That got me thinking. I happen to know the greatest visionary of the future that exists--my good friend, The Great The Great Zuke. 

Better known as Neil Warner, the Zuke has been covering Prep sports for Utah County since the early 90's. As he puts it, he "knows all, sees all."

The Zuke predicts winners of football, basketball, and baseball games through the calendar year...and the majority of the time, he's spot on. 

He runs a contest called Beat the Zuke, and it's extremely difficult to do so. 

So, here's what I want, Zuke, I want a free-reading. I want my future told. I want you to take a look into that Zuke crystal ball and tell me how being a Dad will be. Tell me what my future holds. What can I expect??

If I know the Zuke as well as I think I do, I'm pretty sure he'd tell me that the one thing that is completely unpredictable is raising a child. But, I'd still like him to try. 

Editors note: Neil, you owe me lunch. Let's settle up buddy.

Once I started thinking about the Zuke, I began thinking about all the positive influences that I have in my life and how they impact the type of Dad I hope to be. 

Obviously, my own father has been my main reference in developing my own fathership. My dad is the most caring, nurturing, and selfless people that I have ever met. He's done so much for me and I wouldn't be anywhere that I am if it weren't for his willingness to mentor and educate along the way. He's always been there for me, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have a dad like that. 

I could write post after post about my own father (and I will). But right now, I want to introduce a segment I'll be doing weekly--I want to explore the father's that I have observed. I want to discuss the fathers that I've watched with their children and I want to explain how they have had a major impact on my development as a father. 

Enter again, the Zuke. I met the Zuke when I was still in high school, and we have been great friends since. We've since attended a myriad of sporting events together, in Utah and even as far away as Atlanta. I've always been impressed by the type of dad I've seen the Zuke be. 

It's extremely obvious that he loves his kids, and that's what I really like and what I want to incorporate into my own relationships with my children. 

I remember when his son went on an LDS mission. The Zuke and I attended a Jazz game together the night after his son left (it may have even been the night his son left). While he was extremely proud of his son, I could tell that he had just said goodbye to his best friend for two years (a feeling my own dad felt as well on that day for me). 

I remember that day with The Zuke very well. I remember thinking that I wanted that type of relationship with my children. I wanted to have that type of love for my children. 

I've always admired Zuke, but since that day, I've looked up to him as a type of dad that I would like to be. 

Here's to you Zuke...and don't skip out on my lunch. 

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, I love the blog. We are so excited for you and Annie to be parents. I do think you need to start training now, so Miles has volunteered to help you practice.He'll come spend the night at your house for the next month or two...pretty much until he's sleeping through night. We'll drop him off around 9 tonight.

    And for the record, I have no doubt you'll both be amazing parents.
