Thursday, January 26, 2012

20 Week Ultrasound

If this were bowling--we'd be in the fifth frame.

If it were football, basketball or soccer,  we'd be in the locker room preparing for the third and fourth quarters.

If it were hockey...I actually don't know, hockey has two "half-times" so I'm assuming this would be somewhere in the middle of the second period...maybe...what a weird sport.

The point is...we reached the halfway point!! Annie is now almost 21 weeks along... we had our 20 week ultrasound this last week...and, while the gender is still a mystery to us, we did find out that we have a healthy, strong baby growing in there...see evidence below!

As you can see, my baby has a firm grip and a strong right arm!

I must say, the pride I felt as I sat there and watched my baby move and wiggle while the ultrasound was going on is unparalleled and is pride I have NEVER felt before in my life. We saw the chambers of the heart. We saw the kidney's, the liver, the lungs, the legs, the arms, the face, and the brain! It was an unbelievable experience!

I am so proud of this baby. I am so proud that The News is working so hard to grow and develop. I am so proud of the accomplishment this baby is working on.

I am one proud Daddy!!

Editors Note: The ultrasound technician told us that she had a great shot of the gender and that she knows what gender the baby is...we passed on knowing. It was a bummer. But to have a healthy baby is all I can ask for and care that trumped not knowing what the gender is. I can't wait to find out!!


  1. Pregnancy is more similar to hockey anyway. Three periods, three trimesters. Dont be knockin the favorite sport of my Home and Native Land :)

  2. It's true, Fal. Hockey probably is the most closely related sport to pregnancy. I can accept that analogy...but I can't accept Canada...I'm sorry.
