Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Disney

Editors Note: I feel like you can totally tell that Annie is pregnant now...I think you can see it in this picture below, a little bit. It's such an awe inspiring thing to watch that type of growth occur. 

Now, here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Disneyland as a family of three!

This is Annie and The News on Main Street in Disneyland. They are enjoying some exercise while also taking a moment to enjoy a lovely Dole Pineapple Float from a quaint concession stand next to the Tiki Room. From what I understand, both she and the baby enjoyed the float. 

These are a couple of things that we got The News from Disneyland. It was sooooo much fun to be shopping for our actual baby--something that I didn't think I would get emotional about but, truth be told, I found it difficult to fight back the tears while walking through the Disney Store on Main Street that night. It's such a happy feeling that I haven't ever experienced before. 

If buying things for my child feels like that every time, then I won't have very much money. It was such a neat experience. I don't want to forget that feeling of happiness and pride. 

It really was the happiest place on earth, but for so many other reasons. 

Editors Note: I don't know why, but I feel like I should also mention to any of my readers who may be having trouble having children, please don't get discouraged. 

Please don't let those negative thoughts into your minds. Please don't let bitterness overtake you, because it will try to. Please don't feel like you are alone. Please don't blame anything or anyone--especially yourselves. 

I've carried those burdens around for a long time, and it's not fun. You will appreciate that child more than anything when that day finally happens. 

Don't get down. 

Not sure why I felt a tangent coming on there, but I did. 


  1. Aww...look at cute, pregnant Annie! I can't believe you guys are half way there!

    I think that you guys have been given a gift--a glimpse into how special and sacred children really are. I don't know that many people have that perspective until they struggle to have a baby themselves or have one only to realize how miraculous the whole process really is. Even then, so many people take for granted how 'easy' they have it getting pregnant and don't realize what an amazing thing it is. (I know that was certainly the case for me and only now am I beginning to realize how much of a gift being able to have children is.) Thanks, Kyle.

  2. Brock is the exact same way when it comes to buying our kids stuff at Disneyland. He gets a little too excited about it.

    You have some great posts, I'm so excited for you and Annie. You guys are going to make the best parents!!! Can't wait to meet him/her!!!
