Thursday, December 22, 2011

Soccer, Fantasy Football, and the Remote Control

Editors note: Normally I am a fan of proper grammar. But these posts are coming straight from my head and they may not be grammatically correct. Don't judge. lists the definition of the word "frustration" as such:

a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.

I suffer from frustration and it all builds up. For those of you who have known me for a long time, you know that soccer isn't exactly my game. It's not like I've ever played or pretend to know anything about it. But, for some reason, I've been playing as a Keeper for an indoor soccer team with a friend of mine. Needless to say, I struggle sometimes. I have good games, don't get me wrong, but I also have poor performances as Keeper--specifically the last two games we've played. 
I get so frustrated with it and I feel like freaking out! It's laughable how much soccer has been bugging me lately. 
Fantasy football. I love it, but I despise it as well. Frustrating, to say the least. You tell me how I can have a team with top five running backs, wide receivers, and quarterback and find myself playing this weekend for 7th place...7th place! What has happened?? I'm supposed to dominate fantasy football, it's not even supposed to be a question. It's laughable how much fantasy football has been bugging me lately. 

The stupid remote control in my bedroom. "Hi, DirecTV, I pay you a monthly fee for things that are supposed to work. Can you tell me why the menu is taking forever to load and why out of the blue the channel info comes up on screen"? (Don't tell me to check the batteries, I've already done that). It's laughable how much my remote control has been bugging me lately. 
Work. Oh work. It's laughable how much work has been bugging me lately. See video to above. (Just kidding, this guy is crazy. I'm not that crazy). 
When I start to think about how ridiculous it is to be upset by these things, I wonder why I am. 
Here's what I've concluded: It's not about soccer. It's not about fantasy football. It's not about the remote control. It's not even really about work. 
It's about my frustrations as I attempt to be the worlds first perfect dad six months before the child is born. 
We've wanted this baby as a member of our family for so long and I don't want to be anything less than the best dad...and it frustrates me when I don't feel like I'm living up to what that child needs ALL the time. 
Lately, the four months of really trying to be perfect and failing have brought me to a frustration boiling point. Not with anyone else really (except for you work, you're not getting off that easy!) but with myself. 
Editors note: One shouldn't read too much into this. Meaning, Kyle isn't this terrible guy who is committing a myriad of whoredoms and the like. It's more like small things that he is trying to be perfect at and failing. 
Here's the deal: It's probably a good thing for me to realize now that I can't be that perfect dad rather than realize it once the child has arrived. It's probably good to understand now that, while I'll give everything I have to attempt to be the best dad, I'm going to come up short. It's going to happen. 
I only hope that God (if you don't believe in God, please don't stop reading) will continue to help me become the kind of dad that my child needs. 
Frustration is brutal. It can play mind games with you and can make you doubt. I hope to continue growing and lessen the frustrating doubt that clouds my thoughts at times. 
I truly look forward to a day when I can sit with our child and discuss deeper thoughts as well as things like soccer, fantasy football, and the stupid remote control. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love you Brother! So excited to meet The News. You'll be a great dad, just don't ever let your frustration build up so much that you hit that back of the recliner and threaten to rip The News's head off...I had a brother threaten that to me...Seriously though.
