Tuesday, December 13, 2011


From the moment we heard out baby's heartbeat on our second trip to the doctor, I thought it would be fun to document my thoughts throughout the remaining six months of our pregnancy. 

In fact, not only did I think it would be fun, but I felt that I had some type of responsibility to attempt to put into words the types of feelings that go through my head every day--hundreds of times a day. 

For the most part, the feelings aren't new--it's just a new type of feeling within that feeling (make sense?). 

Let me explain. I've felt fear before--but not this type of fear. I've felt excitement prior to knowing my wife was pregnant--but not this type of excitement. I've felt love before towards friends and family--but not this type of love. I've experienced nervousness, anxiety, and even stress before--but none of those situations compare to the thoughts of caring for, being responsible for, and nurturing another human being. 

What I hope to do with this blog is create something that I can look back on in 20 years and remember what this pregnancy was like for my wife and I. What I want is a place to write down my feelings and a place to express my fears and excitement towards being a parent. 

Some people may ask why I don't just use a journal for this and keep it to myself. I ask those people to not ask me questions (haha). 

The truth is, I want to share this experience with my friends and family--because what better people to give us advice and encouragement than those we know that have experienced these things before. 

The truth is, I want a place to offer those around me a glimpse into my mind (insert joke about not wanting to be in my mind here) during this time in our lives. 

I hope you'll read it as such and enjoy the next six months with us. 

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