Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 17

Editors note: This post was started on December 17, but due to a late night movie (In Time--it was entertaining, but not award-worthy by any stretch of the imagination) I finished the post on December 18 :)

I was watching the news tonight when the story was brought up of what happened one year ago in Utah County. I can't believe that it was one year ago. Today has a special feel to it.

One year ago today (December 17) people around Utah awoke to the news of the Provo Tabernacle literally burning down before our eyes. It marked a sad end to a once beautiful and historic building (which will be restored in the next couple of years to become even more beautiful).

But the fire in Provo couldn't have been any further from my mind that day in 2010. While many people I know were gathering on the streets around the Tabernacle to witness it in person, I was sitting in the waiting room at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center waiting for a procedure called a D and C to be completed on the Mrs. I didn't see any flames from the Tabernacle, but my lifeless stare out of the window of the waiting room was often interrupted by the billows of smoke I could see from the downtown Provo area.

Prior to December 17, 2010 I had never even heard of that procedure (I still don't even know what those letters stand for).

I try not to think about that day too much, but I still reflect on it every now and then because it was such a major part of our lives.

I remember walking across the street during the procedure and getting a Steak and Cheese sandwich (The Italian Place makes Philadelphia itself look stupid) and I remember the feelings of hopelessness that were running through my head. I was scared for Annie, I was scared for the future.

I've been to that Italian Place recently and the stark contrast in feelings from last year's visit is so refreshing.

I'm so thankful that this December we're celebrating 16 weeks of strong fetal development.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that day as well. And I will never forget when I was told what had happened and how I felt. As your Mother I am supposed to be able to fix all your owies! That one I could not make better. I did not know what to do to make it better other than just hug you and hold you tight. I love you and Annie with all my heart and soul. And you are now able to experience that feeling a parent has for their child. There is no other feeling like it in the world. Remember I will always love you and be there for you. I love you more than all the stars in the sky and to the moon and back. I can not wait to hold " The News" and kiss "The News" All over. I need to close this now as I am beginning to cry. A good, proud cry! Mamo loves you my sweet little"News"
