Friday, December 16, 2011

The News

Getting "The News" that the Mrs. (heretofore referred to as Annie, since that's her name) was pregnant was not something new for us.

Little known Flanagan fact, Annie has been pregnant a couple of times before--both resulting in miscarriages. So, getting The News again was very exciting, but also very nervewracking and a bit of an emotional roller coaster. (p.s. I will be referring to The News as a proper noun throughout the blog posts--mainly because Annie won't let me find out if The News is a boy or a girl, so I don't know what to call The News other than The News (I guess I could call it The Baby, but I like The News better, so I will go with that)).

By this time in our pregnancy attempts (which I will speak to more later) we were very certain about when the best time for us to have a baby would be so we weren't incredibly surprised when the pregnancy test came back positive--just incredibly nervous.

For me, the first 8-9 weeks were full of so many emotions and uncertainty. I couldn't focus on anything I was trying to accomplish. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to the two unsuccessful pregnancies that we had experienced. Not knowing how The News was developing or if The News was developing was pure torture.

But we buckled up and settled in for an extremely long 8 weeks. Each day took forever in my head and the emotions were all over the place. We had a date for that first doctor's appointment, November 2, 2011. But we also had two months of waiting.

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