Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kyle's Thoughts On Round Ligament Pain

There is a website I frequent, It's a fantastic reference for expectant mothers and fathers--there's even a section of the website called "expectant dads."

Have I sold you on the site yet? Go ahead, click the link. Check it out for yourself. It's fantastic.

Ok, now that you've had a chance to look at it, I can continue. Annie is currently sitting at about 16 weeks pregnant and the last couple of days she has been in a little bit of pain. A sharp, stabbing sensation that is in the lower abdomen, groin, and pelvic bone area. It's not so much cramping as it is sharp, so I'm told.

I sometimes get fixated on things and especially when Annie is telling me about pain she is experiencing. I want to know if it's normal, what it is, and how she can alleviate it. It's truly a blessing to have technology like we do today. I could go right to the internet, check out and read all about this type of pain--which is most likely Round Ligament Pain (which I will also be referring to as a proper noun for some reason).

I had Annie come in the room and I read her about a page and a half of what the website said about this pain and the symptoms. I basically read verbatim what she was saying about the pain. We're still going to call our health care providor (aka, Annie's cousin who works at our doctor's office) tomorrow just to alert them and seek their opinion as well, but it is truly a relief to have that kind of information available at the drop of a hat.

I was thinking about the women of the "old days" and what it must have been like for them to go through this experience with no knowledge of what was happening and no way to really get any knowledge about it. I have to imagine that they were as tough as nails.

If you're looking for some information on Round Ligament Pain (proper noun), please feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email, I can fill you in on it.

Abridged explanation: the ligaments that surround the uterus (the round ligaments) are stretching as the uterus expands (as The News is trying to create more room for his or herself (gender undetermined at the moment and won't be known until June, thank you Annie)). This stretching causes a sharp, stabbing sensation. There, now you know.

On another note, we saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol tonight... I loved it! But I like most movies, so don't hold it against me if you don't like it. I mean, sure, there are some parts where you're not really sure someone could pull that off or survive something, but all in all, I enjoyed it.

I would have rather had Kettle Corn (deserves to be a proper noun), but we were seeing it at a different theatre, so alas, there was no Kettle Corn.

But I digress...


  1. Hey Kyle! Lovin' the blog. I did what I could to convince Annie she had to find out the gender. I'm here to support. ;) Round Ligament Pain stinks! If you and Annie haven't figured it out by now, you will shortly discover that every ache, pain, rib jab, leg cramp, headache, etc. will now be termed a 'normal pregnancy symptom' that the doctor 'can't do anything about'. Tell Annie to hang in there. The News will definitely be worth it! :)

    P.S. I'm still hoping you guys decide to find out the gender so I can use my free time to go clothes shopping for The News. :) And yes...this is a bribe. haha

  2. Thanks Hydee! We'll keep working on Annie about the gender! It's true, the body goes through so crazy!

    I'll keep you posted on the gender...the bribe might just work :)
