Sunday, March 18, 2012

March Madness--Three Months To Go!

It's March and there is Madness in the Flanagan home!

But it has very little to do with my NCAA Tournament Bracket (thanks for nothing Missouri). Rather, the madness has shifted into another gear as we've hit the third trimester and are staring at less than three months to go until The News makes his/her appearance!

I can't believe how much time has's all happening so fast!

We've worked on our nursery (I'll take some pictures this afternoon and have those up soon). We've cleaned out closets and rooms and are preparing the best we can...

We had another ultrasound on March 6 and all is well. The baby is growing like a weed and is healthy and continuing to develop!

One huge development has come in the form of our baby kicking and rolling and moving like's a weird, but incredible, experience. It seems like every time I put my hand on Annie's stomach, the baby kicks and pushes and's my VERY favorite thing.

Sometimes I wake up at four or five in the morning and I put my hand on her stomach and just sit there for a while feeling the baby kick and never ceases to make me smile.

With the baby moving it's beginning to feel more and more real...and I wonder what the baby is going to be like.

I've been feeling like The News is a boy lately. I don't know why, but I keep thinking boy (The News is probably a girl and my intuition is way wrong :)).

But, assuming my intuition is correct, I wonder what that little boy may be like. I wonder if he'll be like me or like Annie...I wonder if he'll like baseball. I wonder if he'll like vegetables.

I was talking to my mom yesterday about all the sports and activities I was involved with when I was little and how I finally made a decision to just focus on one (baseball). I wonder, if our baby is a boy, if he'll be so encompassed in so many activities like I was.

I love this song by Brad makes me think...


  1. Well if the baby is a girl, she will be the first girl granddaughter for my parents at least and she will be spoiled! But if the baby is a boy, he will be the first grandson for your parents and he will be spoiled. So I guess the baby is covered either way and will be spoiled and special no matter what!

  2. This child is surely spoiled no matter the gender. And I have a feeling if a girl, she will be
    throwing a baseball, football and basketball. All while dancing in her clogging shoes. And is a boy, well he better like the Braves and with out telling his Daddy the Yankees as well. I bet if a boy, he will be throwing a baseball by the time he leaves the hospital. This child we all have come to know and love as "The News' has no idea what is in store for her/him. lots of kisses, hugs and toys!
