Sunday, July 1, 2012

21 Days Down

We've had 21 days with little Etta now and it's been an amazing experience! Clearly there is still so much more to learn and so much more to adapt to--for all three of us, but so far, we've learned so much and I feel like we are all getting along so great!

To celebrate Little E's 21 days of being with us, I've made a list of 10 facts about Etta and things that I've learned about Etta since she's been with us.

I realize that most of these things are not exclusive to Etta and they probably apply to most babies, but still, they're things I've learned about Etta.

So, in no particular order, here they are:

1. She hates waking up. She's just like her mother and, in fact, I've watched them both wake up at the same time and it's the same routine--stretching and grunting and trying at all costs to avoid waking up but eventually succumbing to being awake and actually being quite upset with the first person they see (me) when awake.

2. She loves to stretch. She'll put her legs straight out and keep them stretched while having her arms way above her head. She loves stretching.

3. She doesn't care to be swaddled. This coincides with number 2 above. We forced her to swaddle for a little while because that's what we were told.  "Babies love to be swaddled. Swaddle her." We would swaddle her and then second later she would bust her arms out of the swaddling (no matter how tight we swaddled). As soon as her arms were out, she would settle right down and sleep.

4. Field goal sleeper. She loves to sleep with her arms up--much like a football referee signaling a successful field goal.

 5. There are parts of her neck that I KNOW haven't seen the light of day. But that's ok, it's super cute!

6. She's a loud pooper.

7. Her cheeks aren't just swelling. Her swelling went away quickly, but we've learned that her cheeks aren't swelling. They're just gigantic.

8. She doesn't care to lay completely flat. We have to prop her up just a little bit in her basinet. We were using a boppy to do that, but now she just naps in her boppy. At nights, we put some blankets under her basinet pad.

9. She hasn't quite made it through a Braves game yet--although she's worn more Braves clothing than most babies her age. She's usually good for half an inning or a full inning, but beyond that, she's not really interested.

10. When she wants to eat, she expects to eat. She will go from peaceful, sleeping baby to psycho baby in a split second--because she's hungry. And when she eats, she EATS! The girl slams food like she literally won't ever eat again and has to store up.

In summation, we love Etta so much! We can't imagine what life without her would be like. She's the perfect fit for our little family. She is an angel. And we feel so lucky to have her .

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if all those apply to most babies, I think you can already see her personality coming out. She is a doll and I'm so happy for you and Annie.. you to are making great parents!
