Monday, June 11, 2012

Etta Marae Flanagan: June 11, 2012

Since I was very young, I've always been told (and I've since confirmed it) that I walk with a bounce in my step. It was never for any reason. It's not like I thought I was so cool that I bounced when I walked.

It's really not even some type of structure issue within my ankles, I don't think. It's just been the way I've walked for most of my life.

But today, while returning from the hospital cafe with lunch, I caught myself bouncing in a reflection of a window. I thought about my bounce and realized that, for probably the first time in my life, I had a major reason for being proud enough of something that I bounce when I walk.

That reason: The lovely Etta Marae Flanagan. Born June 11, 2012 at 3:15am. Weighing in at a whopping 8.72 pounds and measuring at 20 1/2 inches long. She's beautiful. She's complete. She's my bounce.

She's everything I thought she would be. She's perfect.

In fact, she's the only thing I've ever done perfectly. She's the only perfect thing in this hospital room. She's the only perfect thing in our home.

I've been with her everywhere she's been since she's arrived here at the hospital. From the minute she was born, I was there. I walked through all the testing in the delivery room with the doctors. I accompanied little Etta to the nursery for more testing and her first bath.

She held my finger when her hepatitis B shot hurt her little (not so little) thigh. Later in the day, I was there when the pediatrician visited her and told me she was a "perfect and healthy little girl."

I changed her first diaper. Her first sneeze was on my hand. Her first attempt at a bottle was with me.

I realize that there is so much more to come with little Etta, and I probably won't always be able to be with her. But for the first 13 hours of her life, it's been she and I.

Her mommy did such an amazing job with Etta. She worked so hard to get Etta here. She persevered through the process like she'd been preparing her whole life for it. She earned her rest. She deserves some rest.

I remember looking at a little baby a couple of months ago at church and thinking just how perfect that little baby was and how happy his parents must be to have a little piece of perfection in their home.

I remember thinking that I was so excited to have some perfection in my own life.

I didn't realize just how amazing it really would be. I didn't know that I could hold perfection. That I could kiss perfection. And that I could cuddle with perfection.

Now I know, and it's a feeling I don't ever want to forget.

Etta Marae Flanagan. 8.72lbs. 20 1/2 Inches.



  1. Best feeling in the world to look at something so amazing and know that you created it. Congratulations, welcome to the club of craziness, insane emotions of love, fear, hope, and so much more. You and Annie will be amazing parents.

  2. hahaha. Thanks, Marie! It's great to be a part of this club!!

  3. Being a parent is the most amazing feeling. I believe the closest to heaven you get on this earth is when your baby is born and they cry for the first time. Buckle up dad, she is a beauty!! Congrats to you and Annie, you will be amazing parents and little Etta is lucky to have u!!!

  4. She is so adorable. I can't believe those cheeks and all that hair! She's absolutely perfect. Good work you two. We can't wait to meet little Etta in person.

  5. Congrats guys! She is so pretty, and we love the name. Have a great time with her.

  6. I'm nearly on the edge of tears when I read this blog or think of you, Annie and Etta. Maybe it's all my hormones running through my body or me so happy for you guys I want to burst. I love all three of you and I really can't wait to experience what you are experiencing right now!
