Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Month Old

I've mentioned before that my sisters are great examples to me on so many levels--both of them have been a treat to watch grow up and become the women that they are today. 

My sister Karissa, at least for the first year of her kid's lives, wrote them a letter each month--something I think I've mentioned on this blog before. I love the idea and now that I have a beautiful little girl that is one month old, I think I'll take the opportunity to offer a letter to Little E. 


To say that I can't believe that you are already a month old would be a gross understatement. It blows my mind that I am sitting here writing a letter to you about your first month with your mom and I. This last month has easily been the best month of my life. I have cried so many happy tears that it's easily drowned out any sad tears I've ever cried.

I can sit and watch you for hours. You are growing so much! You love to eat and when you are hungry you want to eat...at that very moment...no exceptions. You will be so peaceful and happy and then, like a light switch, you will want to eat and you will make sure we all know it. Once you start eating a peaceful calm comes over you and you settle back into being such a happy little girl.

When you're done eating you smile and relax...so happy!

You love to sleep and you are such a good sleeper! We go through our nightly routine around 10pm or 11pm every night and you sleep until about 4am or 5am with no issues at all (until you awake and realize that you are hungry--see paragraph above).

If you don't awake suddenly with the desire to eat, you take your time waking up. You stretch and grunt and squirm for nearly a half hour before finally waking up completely and then...see paragraph about eating.

You LOVE to be with your mommy. Sometimes you are so squirmy and fussy and the only thing that makes you settle down is to have your mommy hold you. You love her so much and and it's so fun to watch you two. She loves you very much and would do anything to keep you happy.

Mommy's been putting you in the bjorn lately and you can't get enough of that either--you're very happy so long as you are with mom.

You and your mom are soooooo much alike in so may ways. One time when I was leaving for work in the morning I went in our room to say goodbye. You and mommy were stretching and grunting in the same manner right next to each other as I was saying bye. You both hate waking up and it is such a chore for you to do. Unless you are really hungry (see paragraph above about eating).

Your hair is hanging on, but it may be heading out soon. We shall see. If it stays congratulations, if it goes, I'm sorry. I can't help but take the blame for that. ;)

You've had so many visitors and there are so many people that love you and I know you are going to be such a great person.

We love you so much and we can't wait to continue watching you grow strong!

Here's to another great month!



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