Thursday, May 31, 2012

Friends...Not the TV Show

So, some time ago I wrote a post that I titled "It Takes a Village." In the post I talked about both of my sisters.

Kaitlyn, who is going off to Alabama in August for school, and Karissa, who lives in DC with her family and is soon moving to Chicago. I talked about how grateful I am for technology because it allows them to still play a crucial role in the development of our little baby.

What I failed to mention was how important of a role all of our friends will play and how grateful I am for EVERY friendship that I have and how I know that each of them have molded me into the type of parent I will be--mostly good, I think. :)

This video, by The Flight of the Conchords, describes friendship perfectly. In fact, it's because of one of my very best friends, Mr. William Tyson Camp, that I even started listening to the Flight of the Conchords. See, an impact already. Well done, Tyson. (I could go on about Tyson for hours, because I love him. But I don't want to inflate his ego).

The truth is, if my child can have friends like Annie and I have then they will be just fine. If my child can surround him/herself with the type of people that I have in my life, then I know they will be just fine.

This last week has been great. I've had the chance to catch up with a couple of my best friends who live outside of Utah (Devin and Beetle). Each of them have had a major impact on me. They each have two children and, even though it's been from a distance, I've learned so much from them and I know that they will be vital in my child's life.

Tonight, I got a call from another friend, Logan. I haven't talked to him forever, but we chatted like we talk all the time. It's nice to have that type of consistent friendship.

I had lunch with my friend Shawn today. I haven't had the chance to chat with him in years, and we picked up right where we left off.

Marie Josephson Stott has been a friend of mine forever and it's been so cool to now call her girls some of my best friends.

The list goes on and on and on. So many great people.

I run into and briefly talk with so many friends from the past that continue to be friends today and that's a really neat thing.

The last three years have given me the opportunity to develop friendships with some very neat women--the women of the Americas Events Team cubicle space--or work, as I call it. They have impacted my life so much and I'm extremely grateful for everything I've learned from them. I truly believe I will be a better parent because of my association with them and I truly believe that my child will be impacted by their friendship as well. It's nice to have co-workers that you know will continue to be great friends and will be involved in your life even if the co-worker label is lifted.

Even as work friends have moved on with their lives and their beautiful families (Mrs. Crowther and the gang) it's been so cool to have that friendship last. It's been incredible to see what our friends have done for us and our baby. Blankets, bath toys, gift cards...all so very much appreciated.

And to think, I didn't even know some of my closest friends a few years ago.

Annie's work friends have been wonderful as well. In fact, tonight, Annie made cupcakes and I asked her why she made those. And, of course, she said they were having a party at work. They have parties at the Pleasant Grove Zions Bank non-stop. But I know that Annie appreciates those friendships and I know that she wants her friends from work to be around even if the co-worker label is lifted. And that's a pretty neat thing.

I am excited for all of our friends to meet a new Flanagan friend. I'm excited for The News to meet so many wonderful people.

I should probably get The News a Facebook page right away...

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