Tuesday, April 24, 2012

52 Years Ago

Today (April 24) is my mom's birthday...she's 52 years young and like I told her, 52 is the new 51, so all is well!

As I was thinking about it, I realized that I have been with my mom for all of her birthdays since 1983--with the exception of 2003 and 2004 where I celebrated her birthday from some tiny towns in the Northwest.

I also got to thinking about a Mother's Day tradition we have (which I'm sure a lot of people do as well) where we write my mom a letter each Mother's Day. These letters have evolved over the years as I've come to realize exactly what it is my mom has done for me.

I've realized all this after watching little Annie go through the pains and sicknesses associated with pregnancy.

And just like I will forever be grateful to Annie for her courage and toughness and resiliency in our baby's pregnancy, I will never be able to thank my mom enough for all of her courage, toughness, and resiliency in handling my pregnancy.

My mom, pictured here carrying a much heavier me on her back, carried me for nine months plus 11 days back in 1982-83--and despite me weighing in at over 230 at the time of this picture, I think those nine months were even tougher.

Editors Note: I'm trying to think of my earliest memory of my mom...but this American Dad episode is killing me! hahaha. So funny! I must tune it out though...

My earliest memory of my mom is faded and vague, but timeless at the same time. While I don't remember the details, I do remember sitting on her lap on our couch in California while she scratched my arm (or as I called it and still call it "itchied") while I fell asleep. I don't remember anything else about that, but I clearly remember this occurrence...and I know it happened a myriad of times growing up.

Editors Note: It would be bereft to the story to not mention that Annie still frequently itchies my arm while I fall asleep...

My mom was Class Clown at her high school...class of 1978. I was Class Clown of my high school...class of 2001. But we share a much deeper bond.

I know I've taken her for granted at times, but I also know that I wouldn't be anything without her. So, for that, I'll forever be grateful that 52 years ago my Ma (Edith Marae Kuehnau) delivered my mom and set the stage for my existence.

If all moms loved their children like my mom loves hers, I know there would be less problems in the world.

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