Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Best Tears I've Cried

I'm a super novus novus in fact, that I shouldn't even say poet...more like, super novus guy at putting emotions into a formal outline. So, that said, don't laugh at me and my attempt at writing a poem!

But as I watched Etta throughout the day today (lucky enough to have lunch AND dinner with her!) I kept thinking about how much she means to me. I watch her with her mommy and realize how special they both are.

I helped get Etta ready for bed and reflected on the last couple of nights when I've walked into her room to check on her while she's sleeping, and realized how special those moments are when she's asleep and I'm checking on her.

So, I thought I'd try a poem. If it sucks, just don't tell me, ok? I'm a Leo. We don't handle rejection well. :)

                                                             The Best Tears I've Cried

Many tears
Have many causes
Some happy some sad,
Some over real losses.

An internal struggle
Has once been mine
To fight back my tears,
And dodge emotion's line.

But by your crib
And by your side
My eyes well up,
The best tears I've cried.

 Inhale, exhale
Then you repeat
Asleep you stay,
Sweet dreams you meet.

My mind slows down
As I import
All of God's beauty,
No man can thwart.

And by your crib
Me, by your side
My heart takes over
The best tears I've cried.

This kind of love,
I've never had
Belongs solely to me
in one word, "dad."

Breathe in, breathe out
You do once more
A smile from me
You subtly implore.

Crib, bed, or life
Me, by your side
Enjoying, always
The best tears I've cried.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! You don't have to be a "Poet" to write a great poem. :)
