Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkins, Politics, and Perfection (And Garth From Wayne's World)

Editor's Note: I should mention that in no way do I find the three subjects in this blogpost title related at all...particularly the politics and perfection. 


I've never really cared for Halloween much. In fact, the last Halloween I really remember getting dressed up for and participating in must have been 1993 or 1994. I was Garth, from Wayne's World--which looking back on should have won some type of 'best costume award' from the church in Bountiful that was throwing a Halloween party. But, instead, I grabbed the microphone mid-party, asked for everyone's attention and provided a very Garth-like "Scchhhwwiinngg", complete with the famous body gesture.

The party stopped. I put the microphone down and carried on with the activities--only to find out later what a faux pas this really was.

However, this Halloween I've been a little bit more excited--because of my very own little person to decorate unbeknownst to her and laugh and be entertained. While she won't be a character from a Lorne Michaels movie, she will be Repunzel and it will be adorable.
The other day we took a walk, the three of us, to a nearby pumpkin sale and purchased a few pumpkins for our porch. We threw little E up on the table in her bumbo and began carving the pumpkins. You'll see from the two videos below, just how insanely funny she found this to be (of course, Annie's antics aren't on video, but they would be reason enough for a great laugh).

The second video is where she really picks up the pace with her laughter and it was at this moment that I realized that I could rally behind this whole Halloween thing. Pumpkins will always mean a little something more to me now. :)


I generally hate politics and generally feel like most candidates are more concerned with themselves than they ever will be for me or my family.

However, this year, I've had some other thoughts along with my usual cynicism. I've been extremely grateful that Etta will grow up in a country where she does have the luxury of freedom--regardless of what politicians do.

Besides, it's been kind of nice this year during the debates and political ads that run relentlessly on television...Etta and I have been able to do something together during them all--vomit.


I think a lot about perfection. Almost too much. In fact, you could say that I am perfect when it comes to thinking about perfection.

If you know me, you know just how imperfect I am (calm's true. I'm sorry if this is a surprise to any of you). But I think about my imperfections all the time--to a fault, I think.

Truly, I preach to other people that they should give themselves some slack at times. That they should understand their imperfections can be a blessing and that they can learn from them. But when it comes to me, I don't afford myself the same benefit for some reason...instead, I just beat myself up for them (another blog post for another day my friends).

Where I'm really going with this is that even with all my imperfections, every day I am able to hold something that is perfect. I'm able to look into the eyes of perfection. I'm able to shake the hands of perfection. I'm able to tickle the legs of perfection. Kiss the cheeks of perfection. Rub noses with perfection. Feed perfection. Hug perfection. Smile at perfection. Cry happy tears at perfection. And of course, that's little E. She's perfect.

I was watching her earlier today while I laid beside her next to her floor toy thing (which she loves!), I watcher her blink. I watched her eyes move side to side. I watched her grab for the toys and kick her legs. I watched perfection operate and it made me happy. I don't anticipate that I'll ever know the joys of what it's like to feel perfection in oneself, but I know the joys of watching perfection every day.

And that's what I've learned from pumpkins and what no politician in the world can take away from me.


  1. This is great! I can't get enough of E's laughing. I keep watching it over and over. I love how she throws her head back. And Annie does such a fantastic job, next time let's see some of her antics!

  2. I loved this so much!! I had to show a few of my co workers to lighten up the day! we all loved it!!! E is still as cute as ever and getting big!
