Monday, February 27, 2012

It Takes a Village

The old saying "it takes a village to raise a child" has evolved, in my opinion.

While I still think the principle applies today, I believe that the method and way that the said village helps raise the said child has evolved greatly.

When I was growing up the village that helped raise me was relatively small--it consisted of the people who were directly in my life, every day. It consisted of my friends and my family that lived in my house or in my neighborhood.

Sure, I had good relationships with my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles--but we were limited on our interactions because of geography and a lack of technology.

Since my little sister, Kaitlyn (cute girl with huge glasses pictured above), has been accepted to graduate school at the University of Alabama, I've been thinking a lot about the village that I will have helping raise my child.

Kaitlyn will be in Alabama and my other sister, Karissa (pictured with her family below), will be in Chicago with her family (and I'm the loser who can't quite move beyond Orem...and that's quite alright with me). Had these changes been happening 15-20 years ago (shoot, even 10 years ago), we would have had very limited interactions with them and it would have been difficult for them to be a major player in the village that would help raise our children.

But now, because of the many blessings of technology, I am so happy that both of them can be major players and factors in that village. I am so happy that my grandma (the one and only Punki) can play a role in the village that helps raise my child.

I've missed Karissa and her family a lot--and I always wish Lily and Faith were closer. But, that said, I feel like I haven't missed a single beat. I haven't missed a thing with either of them--and it's because of technology that our proximity has drawn closer, despite the fact that we live 2000 miles away.

I'll miss Kaitlyn like crazy (mostly because I am now out of family to torment), but I love the fact that technology has narrowed that distance. Kaitlyn, Karissa, Lily, Faith, and Brady can all play major roles in the development and growth of our child. They can all be a part of our village with very little or no effort on our end anymore. I'll forever be grateful for that.

I think our child will be so well-rounded because of the influence of Annie's family (about 10,000 Strong (pun intended)) around us and my parents around us--but he/she will also have the opportunity to develop a strong bond with his/her aunts and uncle and cousins across the country.

Our village is no longer those close to us. It's a digital village. And that's awesome!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shakedown Street With Two of My Best Pals

Editors Note: This post is meant to be read while the video below is's kind of got that psychedelic flow...enjoy. 

This last summer I had the opportunity to really take a ride down Shakedown Street as I attended The Gathering of the Vibes with two of my best pals, Jared Terry and Ned Resch, in the Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut area.

Don't believe me?? Check out the picture below...that's us on the front row for our second consecutive night of seeing Further--or as they used to be known, The Grateful Dead.

I promise those two guys with me are my friends and I am with them--despite the heinousness with which I stand out. (This photo was taken by a Connecticut newspaper...probably to show how ridiculously out of place I look).

Despite how I look, I really enjoyed the festival and I really enjoyed the music and the vibes. But more importantly, I enjoyed the company--which is why I've chosen Ned and Jared to be co-inspirators to my third edition of "Fathers I Want to be Like."

Editors Note: I realize that I have yet to write one of these about my own's coming. All of these are leading up to one about my own dad...I promise. 

I'll start with Nedder...Ned has two young kids. A stalwart, strong, handsome son and a beautiful daughter. After spending time in Ned's house, it was very clear to me what Ned's priorities were in life--he lives for those kids (and his lovely wife Melissa, of course), but those kids are his main priority...and I appreciated the interactions I saw him have with his kids while we were there. 

I think that when you have company from out of town staying with you and you haven't seen them in so long, it can be easy to look past those that are around you all the time (i.e. children). But Ned never did. I appreciated the moments when we were on the way out the door to go to a concert or a ball game and we were delayed by a few minutes because, without warning, Ned was playing the villain to his son's portrayal of Batman...or because he was all of a sudden holding his little girl and telling us repeatedly "look how cute she is" or "Flanny, is this not the cutest little girl you've ever seen?" (To which I would respond that she was in a three-way tie with my two little nieces...:))

The point didn't matter what we had in store. If Ned's kids were there, he was 100% their dad, all the time. I respect, appreciate, and admire that attribute. I want that type of prioritization for my child. 

Now, Jared Terry will always have a special place in my life (and I'm not just saying that because he owns the best BBQ joint in Utah County...which he does, Five Star BBQ...check it out). Jared's been someone I have admired for so many years, for so many reasons. 

It was on our trip to Ned's house in Providence when I realized that Jared had qualities as a dad that I wanted--the same as Ned...that same type of prioritization. He told me on so many occasions that trip that all of his drive, all of his passion for success, comes because of his studly little son. 

Jared gets it. He understands that his little boy is everything (and of course his lovely wife, Joni...the brains behind the operation). His son is his top priority. There are few dads who are as proud of their little boy as much as Jared is of his. 

These two guys have it figured out. They know where their priorities lie. I hope I have that same commitment and drive and ability to prioritize once my child arrives. 

Also, I hope to visit Shakedown Street with those guys again soon...

"Today I Caught a Quarter With My Belly"

Editors Note: I am in no way making a reference or personal opinion about how my lovely wife's stomach is growing rapidly. This was a quote from her and a comment made from her...although she has a cute tummy right now that is rapidly growing. 

Today Annie was making some dinner and I walked up and gave her a hug. She put her head on my shoulder and then she uttered the phrase: "Today, I caught a quarter with my belly."

I didn't respond right away, but then I had to ask what she could possibly be referring to...

Turns out, while she was working at the bank, she was counting some coins and dropped a quarter. But fortunately, her belly was protruding just enough to catch the quarter and keep it from falling to the floor.

I was so proud of her and so proud of our little baby, The News...our baby is just over 13 1/2 inches long right now and weighing in at over a pound!

I'm pretty sure that the baby was pleased with the great catch he/she helped mom make of that quarter...