Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Queen's Jester

I've realized that this little girl, pictured here with two of her cousins, Lily and Faith,  is the Queen of our home.

Annie is her maiden, nurturer, and care giver and the Queen relies on her for everything. The Queen prefers her care giver to put her to sleep and to rock her comfortably to her iPod full of tiny person songs.

As for me, the Queen allows me to be a part of her kingdom--as the Jester. She prefers me in small doses (insert obvious "who doesn't?" joke here). She wants me around, but she wants me to entertain her.

She wants me to lay down next to her by her toy in the living room. She wants me to bounce her up and down while walking around. She wants me to tickle her. But if I try to put her to sleep, it's off with my head.

And I am just fine with that! I just want her to want me around. I want her to laugh at me and be entertained by me. I want to spend hours laying on that toy next to her. I want to tickle her tiny toes. And, I want to continue trying to put her to sleep because I think it's funny that she knows the difference and has a preference.

Here is a list of things that the Queen likes or dislikes about her Jester:

- She LOVES it when I sing "I Would Do Anything For Love" by Meatloaf to her while spinning her around and dancing with her.

- She hates my British accent and doesn't like when I carry on conversations with her as a British gent.

- She digs my version of the robot dance.

-She loves games of peek-a-boo...although, that's not exclusive to me as she thoroughly enjoys that game with everyone. But I like to think I discovered her love of the game and that she credits me with inventing the game.

- She likes it when I put her diaper on her head as a hat, and she likes it even more when I put her diaper on my head as a hat.

- She's a little hesitant when I hold her under arms and laugh at her bare bottom in the I think we all would be in that situation.

- She loves watching Braves games with me (I'm assuming this one as she's still never made it through an entire nine inning game).

Basically, I've accepted my role of Jester and I love it. I want to always be this Queen's Jester. I want to always be a part of her kingdom.

I can't wait for the day when she not only enjoys my version of the robot dance, but joins me.

Something tells me she can pop and lock. :)